Беспокойные духи Кел'Терила
[Deprecated] Use Gormir's Pick to find the four Highborne Relic Fragments.Первый фрагмент реликвии | |
Второй фрагмент реликвии | |
Третий фрагмент реликвии | |
Четвертый фрагмент реликвии |
[Deprecated] The highborne spirits are miserable creatures, that's for sure. They are still searching for pieces of the very thing that has cursed them to Kel'Theril forever -- the stolen relic.If you are that interested, take my pick and go south to the lake, see if you can gather the pieces of it from within the ice.
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Why have you come here?Завершение
The past of the high elves is something that I do not wish to discuss, <имя>. Please, it pains me to think of all that has happened... And that there is no way to make things right.Дает
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